Purple Panther Education was created to integrate the concepts, principles, and education from the industry of personal development into the world of secondary/high school education. There is no shortage of information out there for people that want to improve their lives, become more effective in their academic/professional and personal lives, yet this information is severely lacking in our schools.
Simply asking teachers to "do something about this" is seldom the solution. The modern school teacher is already overworked, stretched and spread thinly across all aspects of school life. In particular, middle leaders and teachers responsible for creating compelling and inspiring content for school assemblies have to balance this with the many tasks and responsibilities that take up their time.
Please allow us to provide the solution.
We have done the thinking and content creation for you, at a price that we hope schools around the world can afford, in order to provide students with access to the world of personal development.
It is our sincere mission to help and empower teachers to create an environment of self-efficacy, self awareness, responsibility (be it collective and/or personal) and empowerment in the school that they work in. We hope you find the resources on this website useful and worthwhile for you and your students
The following resources are individually curated and crafted School Assembles designed for all Secondary School Key Stages (KS3 -5).
Every effort has gone into ensuring that the content of these presentations is politically neutral, dyslexia friendly in its layout and aimed at a diverse audience.
Each presentation comes with a set of supplementary notes, designed to give the presenter a comprehensive overview of the topic at hand.
Therefore, within 15 minutes, you can be become a well versed presenter of the topics we have created resources for:
Feedback and testimonials would be greatly appreciated, so we can stick to our mission of delivering value and excellence on our journey to transform education.

Gloria H
Very insightful and thought provoking resources on important topics.
Ben R
I can download a presentation, read the notes and familiarise myself with the presentation content in about 10-15 minutes. Really glad that quality material for my school assemblies are available in this format!
Helen T
The important topics regarding life skills aren't talked about often enough in schools, and they should be! Got some really positive feedback from students too.